Peace In The Valley
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world!” John 16:33
Life is hard and it can hurt. Every day we face challenges and sometimes the encounters can be overwhelming. Having suffered through more ordeals than one can fathom, I understand firsthand: the struggle is real. A laundry list of hardships dating back to early childhood that altered the trajectory of my life in unimaginable ways. Sadly, my personal traumas aren’t unique. We’ve all got something. Unexpected health issues, financial difficulties, betrayal by trusted folks. We lose loved ones. We can be dealt one devastating blow after another. Life’s trials and tribulations are painful, and this daily walk can be discouraging. But it doesn’t have to be.
As Jesus neared His date with The Cross at Calvary, He had some final words for the disciples. In John 16:33, Jesus shares straightforward and comforting words: “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” Jesus doesn’t sugarcoat what lies before us. We will face some tumultuous times. The world is a fallen place, and sin abounds. Trouble is everywhere; you can count on it. In many instances, you don’t have to go looking for it. Danger will find you. But thankfully God loves us too much to leave us destitute. He offers what the world cannot amidst suffering and pain. He offers peace.
For the believer in Christ Jesus, we have a guarantee of peace. A peace during suffering that far exceeds our understanding (Philippians 4:7). A peace that can only be found in Him. Far too often when we’re downtrodden, we turn to vices that offer temporary comfort at best to soothe our ails. Alcohol, drugs, gambling, shopping, or family and friends, to name a few. Their short-lived relief offers the perfect setup for our setbacks. But Jesus grants what the world cannot give (John 14:27) and what the world cannot take away. Peace in Him. As we spend time with Jesus, in His presence, abiding in His love, with our minds focused on Him and not our circumstances, He keeps us in His perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3).
As my brother Stan was battling bile duct cancer, my brother Kenny was recovering from a stroke and nursing a blood clot in his heart. At the same time, Mom was wasting away before us, unable to keep food down due to a blockage in her intestines, all while Dad was having fainting spells due to his heart condition. My entire immediate family was in the throes of sickness and suffering. But by God’s Grace, I remained healthy during this time. Incessant medical appointments, emergency room trips, and hospital admissions ruled our lives. On most days we didn’t know if we were coming or going. However, I knew whom to turn to in our suffering. I wish I could tell you the road was easy, but that wouldn’t be truthful. It was painful, and extremely rough. Yet through it, the closer I drew to Jesus, the more peace I was given. Not one thing changed about my family’s circumstances, but my outlook did. I found joy in moments of sorrow and incomprehensible peace. And I attribute that to Jesus’ final declaration in John 16:33, “I have conquered the world.'“
Knowing Jesus already overcame the world, even before his death on the cross and resurrection three days later, confirms no matter what we face, all is well in Jesus, for those of us abiding in Him. Though my Mom, Dad, and brothers Stan and Kenny all lost their battles to sickness, passing year after year within forty months, I remain with the confidence and peace that the troubles of this world work for my good and God’s glory (Romans 8:28).
When you find yourself in the thick of life’s throes, before turning to family, friends, or anything else, I implore you to take it to Jesus first. You can trust Him; take Him at His word. He may not change your situation, but He can change you in the midst of your circumstances. And grant you a peace that is out of this world.